The S in SHINE is for self!

SHINEHealth – Start with S

When I named my business SHINEHealth, I knew the “S” stood for self.

Self is a powerful four-letter word. Sometimes we think of it with the same guilty feeling that we do with that other category of four letter words!

For me, I sometimes wonder if I will become self-consumed and forget about everybody else if I focus too much on myself. It feels like I could enter an all-consuming space that I might not ever come out of! Then I remind myself that self is the beginning of health, and that if I serve my body it will serve me back.

Knowing this means that you must become a leader of yourself as the first step in your health journey. I’m not suggesting that you send yourself into a tailspin of redesigning your entire life in one fell swoop of course! There are distinct steps to change and the process unfolds in stages: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action and Maintenance.

Change is a journey and not a destination.

Is there something you been wanting to attain? A health goal that’s been nagging at you for a long time but you haven’t been able to get it mapped out? What if you could get the gears in motion and make yourself a true priority?

What if all the things that you see as obstacles actually started to fit into the puzzle of your health journey perfectly? It all starts with a small action, a decision to start.

Maybe it’s evaluating the distractions, maybe it’s setting a new mark or checking in to see if the previous goal still fits. I invite you to carve out some time for yourself to think about this because you are worth it!


If you need an accountability partner or discussion mate I’m here for you. You can send me a message with your thoughts at or visit me at


We believe your intended life waits for you.

And it is accessed through the door of your health.

ShineHealth provides knowledge-rich coaching, practical nutrition plans and whole food

supplementation based around you and the inherent power of your health.

We apply meaning and purpose to a complex subject. The SHINE model of wellness goes

deeper than diet plans and fads, down to the roots of your unique health needs, desires and

goals. On the other side is your intended life. With your commitment and our coaching, your

health becomes your true wealth.

July Self Journeys


Oh the glorious month of July in Colorado! I feel like I’ve waited all year for this time. We can step outside unencumbered by jackets and the evenings linger stretching out our daily July gifts. For me, this is a time to dream and realign with my intentional life. In the absence of false new year pressure to set goals, it’s as if no one is expecting me to do this internal navigation which makes it all the more authentic and personal.

One of the areas that always comes up for me is my intended health journey and getting my daily rituals in check with my vision for the future. It’s easy for the day to get busy and demands to start flying leaving our wellness plan on the back burner until it’s time for bed. We put off our needs until tomorrow, again. One of my favorite quotes is “Run the day or the day runs you”, it’s a reminder for me to accept my power to create my health picture.

What are some areas that tug at you for attention when you get in touch with your inner compass? Here are some actions to take today to get clarity on your wellbeing.

1.      Get a fresh notebook and let your thoughts flow about what you would like your health to look like next July and even further into the future.

2.      Now jot down the obstacles that are holding you back, no judgement here, just get it down.

3.      Write down one step that you can do today to move you closer to this healthy vision of yourself.

This exercise will scratch the surface and get you in momentum toward your intended health journey. This month I’m offering a free half hour session along with my 6 point Health Evaluation that will help you get in touch with your wellness goals and desires. Head over to to get started.

Happy Healthy July!


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You are only one step away from receiving valuable tools that will help you learn and practice real solutions for better health and some of the most common problems faced by families today. L.E.A.N. Start strategies will help you replace some of the bad habits we all have in a simple and effective way.

  • Experience improvements in your overall health – start today!
  • Have fewer sick days and less time away from school or work
  • Drastically reduce your medical expenses
  • Finally a weight control plan that actually works!
  • Experience more active and truly energetic lives

Prime Time Health Online

Make health a priority in 2013!  People spend a lifetime investing in their IRA (Individual Retirement Account) yet when they retire, they realize they didn’t invest enough in their IRAH (Individual Retirement Account for Health) and aren’t healthy enough to really enjoy their retirement.  Prime Time Health is for those who want to take charge of their health, prevent disease, avoid disability, and spend money on something other than doctors!